
Citizen Participation

Building with you the city of tomorrow

Sherbrooke Citoyen is committed to:

  • Support the creation of Community Boards in all districts
  • Allocate part of the City Budget to citizen initiatives (participatory budget)
  • Consult the population before any tax increase above inflation


Sherbrooke Citoyen is committed to:

  • Intensify efforts to stop sewer discharges in the Magog and Saint-François Rivers
  • Increase forest cover in the city and protect mature trees in new developments
  • Implement a compost collection program for apartment buildings, businesses and institutions


Local Businesses and Quality Jobs

Sherbrooke Citoyen is committed to:

  • Support the establishment of local shops by making zoning changes and giving fiscal incentives
  • Encourage the expansion of public markets to bring agriculture closer to the population
  • Double the size of the investment fund for social economy enterprises

Quality of Life

Livable Neighborhoods in a Human-Scale City

Sherbrooke Citoyen is committed to:

  • Make each neighborhood an actual living environment with shops, green spaces and meeting places
  • Foster sustainable transportation by connecting major roads with frequent, quick and affordable public transit
  • Integrate new Sherbrookers in the city development


Transparent and Accountable Management

Sherbrooke Citoyen is committed to:

  • Broadcast in full City Council meetings and public consultations
  • Maintain public referendums to give population a chance to voice their opinions on planning projects
  • Clarify the mandates of paramunicipal agencies such as Destination Sherbrooke, Commerce Sherbrooke and Sherbrooke Innopole and submit their budgets to the auditor general for control purposes
© Sherbrooke Citoyen
Payé et autorisé par Mathieu Ducharme, représentant officiel de Sherbrooke Citoyen

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